The NICE consortium

In NICE, the work around governance, policies and systems is led by Swiss TPH. The measures to increase the adaption of agroecological practices at the farm level, to support selected value chains and to link the produce to markets as well as cross-cutting learning and best practices dissemination are led by ETH Zürich. The knowledge and demand generation side of NICE including behavior change communication and social marketing is led by Sight and Life (SAL), with Swiss TPH involvement to engage the health and education sector. The Sustainable Agriculture Foundation (SAF) leads the Climate Smart Agriculture and Agri-Entrepreneurship components of NICE, bringing expertise in agricultural innovation, market linkages, capacity building across public and private sectors, and policy research.

Consortium Partners

The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH combines research, education and services at local, national and international levels. Over 950 people from 95 nations work at Swiss TPH focusing on infectious and non-communicable diseases, environment, society and health as well as health systems and interventions.

ETH Zürich (Sustainable Agroecosystem Group and The World Food System Center) commands globally recognized expertise in agriculture, agroecology, food systems, and city region resilience. Moreover, ETH pioneers women engagement in the still largely male dominated agricultural sector, works extensively on value chains, while having global links to C40, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), African cities (RUNRES project), and being involved in building rural-urban links in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

Sight and Life (SAL) is a global nutrition think tank, which delivers science-based solutions to eliminate all forms of malnutrition among vulnerable populations. As a pioneer of nutrition solutions, Sight and Life translates nutrition science, fosters public private partnerships and uses consumer insights to develop viable social business models for improved nutrition. 

The Sustainable Agriculture Foundation (SAF) is an international NGO that supports smallholder agriculture in Asia and Africa by improving farmers incomes, productivity and resilience while fostering the empowerment of women, youth and disadvantaged groups. Through partnerships, SAF works in Climate Smart Agriculture, Agri-Entrepreneurship development, Insurance and Risk Mitigation, Food & Nutrition, Carbon Credits and Seeds Systems with a vision to create a world where smallholders, communities, and nature thrive together.
