Empowering Women and Transforming Communities: The Upliftment of Bou Bazar Market in Dinajpur

Over two decades, Dinajpur’s Bou Bazar market stood as an inspiration of women’s empowerment and community development. With around 90% of its sellers being women, this local market is a testament to the progress made in women empowerment in Bangladesh, where women have risen to prominent entrepreneurs. The market, initially home to just a handful …

A taste for tilapia

Fish farming is a thriving source of income and nourishment In the NICE project, fish plays an important role. Shifting activities from field to lake can be challenging for farmers. However, with due care, “swimmers are winners”.    Early on market day, the Hainja Farmers’ Hub in Port Victoria, Busia County, is already abuzz. Women like …

Changing Lives of Women with NICE: Empowering Women Through Nutrition, Health, and Entrepreneurship #InternationalWomen’sDay2024

Women have always been at the forefront of societal development, playing multifaceted roles as caregivers, entrepreneurs, and leaders. Recognizing the pivotal role of women in fostering sustainable development, initiatives like the NICE project have emerged to empower and uplift women, particularly in areas concerning nutrition, health, and entrepreneurship. As we celebrate International Women’s Day in …

Empowering Women: Nourishing a healthier future and overcoming malnutrition #InternationalWomen’sDay2024

This International Women’s Day, we share how initiatives such as the Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE) project have empowered women in sectors like agriculture, poultry farming and entrepreneurship, providing financial support and invaluable knowledge. In Rubavu’s Byahi community, 24 determined women have joined forces to combat the malnutrition affecting their children. Supported by a 1.2 …

Empowering women and youth as food prices skyrocket

The NICE partners in Kenya(*) recently updated key government officials on project progress. The Chief Guest was the Rt. Hon. Kenneth Lusaka, Governor of Bungoma County. Moderated by our project consultant Wilson Songa, the meeting addressed urban nutrition and food safety, and ways to scale up the work. Lusaka emphasized that “there is a need to …

NICE discussing how multi-level governance helps secure urban food security, the right to food and healthy diets

Cities stand as pivotal players in shaping the trajectory of food systems across urban, peri-urban and rural landscapes, as well as in implementing the right to food and enabling healthy diets. This urban shift brings both opportunities and challenges to the forefront. The critical role of cities in addressing challenges within food systems and countering …

Growing traditional crops: growing reputation

A long-established Women’s Group profits from producing African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs) Assisted by Small Grants Initiative funding from the Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE) project, a number of enterprising food producers in the region of Busia County, Kenya, are finding deserved success A visit from an agricultural extension officer to their community was the starting …

15’000 champions send signals to COP28

In many countries, young people are in the vanguard of climate action. Local Conferences of Youth are one recognized channel for their energy. Together with partners, NICE co-convened a recent example in Bangladesh. The links between climate and healthy food are numerous. Local Conferences of Youth (LCOY) are part of the work of YOUNGO, the …

Breeding chicks, broadening projects

An urban community group looks at ways to contribute to local needs Assisted by Small Grants Initiative funding through the Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE) project, a number of enterprising food producers in the region of Bungoma County, Kenya, are finding deserved success It was a message posted by a youth group on social media …

NICE @ ETH Food Day 2023

NICE participated with 3 posters in the 2023 edition of ETH World Food Center’s Food Day 02Nov2023 in Zurich and appreciated the great opportunity for exchanging on ideas, insights and innovations with like-minded people and initiatives, and simple networking.