Inspiring exchanges at the Food Policy Symposium at City, University of London

Inspiring good practices, challenging ideas and a lot of food policy insights and potential ways forward toward food systems transformation have been shared and discussed by more than 200 stakeholders at the 2023 Food Policy Symposium at City, University of London end of Apr2023. The NICE team enjoyed being part of the symposium and gaining …

NICE at the 1st Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference

The NICE project was sharing its experiences with the modified FAO SHARP tool with a broad audience in the frame of the 1st Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference held in Nairobi 21-24Mar2023. The respective presentation of Sophie van den Berg and Elizabeth Imbo can be found here: EAAC__240FarmResilience_withtext_21.03.23.pptx – Google Slides The respective abstract book also …

NICE Winter School

NICE country teams and representatives from all six NICE cities came together in Busia, Kenya, 11-18Feb2023, to exchange experiences and knowledge on urban food systems directly on the ground. Together with guests from Kisumu, Mombasa, and Nairobi, all Kenya, as well as Bambilor, Senegal, success and bottlenecks, plans and visions of daily work in urban …

NICE in Nature Food

“Nutrition as a Driver and Outcome of Agroecology”; we are extremly honoured that our respective article has just been published in Nature Food. In this article, the NICE agroecology Research Team looked into the 13 principles of agroecology proposed by the high-level panel of experts on food security and nutrition and analyzed their connection with …

NICE Organizing a High-Level Roundtable on Nutrition Policies in Bangladesh

On 22Oct2022 our NICE country team in Bangladesh organized a high-level roundtable on national and regional nutrition policies in Bangladesh, together with the local newspaper The Business Standard. Under the topic of Creating nutrition vital cities: Role of multisectoral platforms, national government representatives, UN representatives and NGO and private sector representatives emphasized the need for …

NICE at ETH Food Day 2022

As in 2021, the NICE project has also been featured at ETH Zurich’s Food Day 2022 11 November 2022 by a poster entitled: A participatory journey to select nutritious value chains for implementing agroecological interventions in the Nutrition in City Ecosystems Project in Kenya. As a public research symposium, ETH Zurich’s Food Day highlights research …

NICE in FAO’s Geneva Nutrition Dialogue Series on Urban Food Systems for better diets

NICE has been showcased in FAO in Geneva’s Nutrition Dialogue Series on Urban Food Systems for better diets: Latest evidence from the field, held virtually on 21 June 2022 from 11:00 – 12:30 CEST. FAO in Geneva Nutrition Dialogue Series underlines latest developments on Urban Food Systems for better diets  | FAO in Geneva | Food and Agriculture …


The determinants for food purchase decisions, food preparation habits and food consumption patterns among families of women of reproductive age with low socioeconomic status living in the two Rwandan NICE cities Rubavu and Rusizi have been presented in a poster at the American Society for Nutrition’s NUTRITION summit 14-16 June 2022. Learn more about our …

NICE at the Geneva Health Forum

Strengthening the supply and demand for nutritious, local, agroecologically produced foods in the NICE cities in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Rwanda have been the topic of a poster presented at the Geneva Health Forum 3-5 May 2022.