Recognizing the Importance of Nutrition by rejoicing National Nutrition Week 2024 in Dinajpur

Celebrating health and nutrition has always been a cornerstone of government initiatives, and this year was no different. The Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE) project played a pivotal role in raising awareness about nutrition during this years’s National Nutrition Week in Dinajpur, in collaboration with the Civil Surgeon Office. The National Nutrition Week, observed from 9 May to 15 May, 2024, featured a series of engaging and educational activities designed to promote healthy eating and living; this year under the theme: Smart Bangladesh Building Food to “Eat nutritiously”.

The Government officials and the beneficiaries receiving Nutrition package and closing the week long event_NNW 2024_Dinajpur

The week commenced with an inauguration by members of the District Nutrition Coordination Committee (DNCC) on 9 May. This opening ceremony set the stage for a week filled with diverse activities aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of nutrition among the community. On the second day, a cooking competition was held, attracting enthusiastic participation from mothers across the city. Roshni Islam, representing the NICE City Food System Women and Youth Groups, won second prize for her nutritious creations of nuts semai and liquid pudding. The competition highlighted the importance of incorporating nutritious ingredients into everyday meals, showcasing culinary skills that combine taste with health benefits. The third day saw students from Nutrition Club participating in a quiz competition organized by the Civil Surgeon Office at Dinajpur Municipal School, in collaboration with NICE project. This quiz not only tested students’ nutrition knowledge but also encouraged them to learn more about healthy dietary practices, emphasizing the role of education in promoting good health. The week concluded on day 4 with the distribution of vegetable packages, including safely produced bitter gourd, cucumber, and brinjal, grown following agroecological practices in the NICE farmers’ hubs.

The whole week underscored the importance of access to safe and nutritious food as a fundamental component of public health. The closing ceremony was graced by Deputy Civil Surgeon Dr. Shah Muhammad Sharif as the chief guest, along with Senior Health Education Officer Rezaul Karim, who coordinated the overall event. Their presence and support highlighted the commitment of health officials to improving nutritional standards in the community.

Roshni Islam receiving a price for her second rank in the cooking competition on NNW 2024_Dinajpur

NICE’s efforts during National Nutrition Week 2024 align with its broader goal of improving access to and demand for nutritious food, thereby supporting better health and education outcomes. By engaging different segments of the community through various activities, NICE continues to play a crucial role in promoting a healthier future for Dinajpur.