
Multisectoral coordination and collective action are needed for sustainable food system transformation. To produce more than the sum of it parts, the NICE consortium is collaborating with a number of global and in-country partners:

ESDO (Eco Social Development Organization Bangladesh)
Implementing Partner

Strategic Partners

Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID)
BIID is a distinct inclusive business initiative to support development and promotion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based services. The distinction of BIID lies in the identification of ICT as a cross cutting development tool and to create opportunities through continuous knowledge management, innovation and development. NICE partners with BIID to implement BIID’s Nutrition Clubs in elementary schools in the two NICE cities in Bangladesh as well as by supporting BIID’s Nutrition Olympiad to engage adolescents and youth in nutrition.

Sub-contracted Partners

Mitra and Associates
Mitra and Associates are a pioneer private sector survey-research firm of Bangladesh. Established in 1983, Mitra and Associates have gradually grown to be one of the most sustainable and dependable organization in the country for quantitative and qualitative research, evaluation studies and surveys. Mitra and Associates assisted the NICE Project in conducting the baseline surveys.

Parlance Consulting Services Ltd.

Media Partners

The County of Bungoma
The County of Busia

The Government of Kenya is the Kenya governing institution and has been a key partner in implementation nutrition and food security at the city levels in Bungoma and Busia through providing overall policy directions, and quality assurance for all the interventions.

Kula Vyema Centre of Food Economics is a not-for-profit research and development institute in Kenya pursuing achievement of healthier lives through better food systems and healthier diets. Kula Vyema Centre of Food Economics undertakes research along different food system elements and outcomes, with the aim of transforming and orienting food systems to provide healthier diets. Kula Vyema Centre of Food Economics assisted the NICE Project in conducting a baseline surveys.

Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA) is a public-private sector cooperation of six agricultural organizations founded to improve market functioning for farmers.

Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) is a national organization that conducts research in food crops, horticultural and industrial crops, livestock and range management, land and water management, and socioeconomics.

see homepage of Rubavu district (in Kinyarwanda only)
see homepage of Rusizi district (in Kinyarwanda only)